Happy Thanksgiving
to Laura and to Kruntch
from me, Madame Butterball!
Your great chocolate I like to munch.
When I found your little store,
I was sad and blue.
But your Brigadeiro made
me ooze with joyful goo.
Oh, I never knew such bliss!
One bite with an espresso is so good,
I say no; I say no to other dark chocolate’s bidding.
Okay… I’m just kidding.
But it’s the best in town, I kid you not.
When Chicago’s cold it keeps me hot.
Madama Butterball likes it a lot.
I want more! Give me more! I need antioxidants.
How can I get some more?
I can not rob the store.
I have my honor!
Besides, there’s security and police all around
and Bassett Hounds.
On my they pounce.
Now I must beg for your dark kisses
and Brasileiro sweetness
while I sing this pathetic song.
Someone, please, hit a big loud gong!
Wines to Pair, pair away for your holiday.
May your turkey be “Kruntch-y” and delicious, too.
is Madame Butterball’s wish for you!