Salvatore is a child of Italian immigrants and has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago!
Additionally impressive is that he is the head of a nonprofit organization that builds and manages homes/apartments for the elderly and has won many awards for his innovative housing designs for both the elderly and low income families. Meeting people like Sal inspire me.
After delivering Sal’s message, he took my arm and asked where I sing. My response: “Anywhere I can!”
During our brief conversation, I heard a voice singing a high D. I wondered who was singing only to discover someone was playing back a movie they recorded with their phone. LOL!
Here’s Sal’s message in Italian(-ish):
Salvatore! Salvatore!
Italo-americano da Logan Square,
Diplomata dall’università di Chicago.
Per tanti anni “drum and bugle.”
Hai vinto premi, “Hall of Fame,” nuoti,
Fatto tanti bambini… Salvatore, tanti auguri!
Festeggiamo con te!
(Translation, sort of)
Salvatore! Salvatore!
Italian American from Logan Square,
Graduated from the University of Chicago
For many years, drum and bugle.
You have won awards, Hall of Fame, swim,
Made many babies… Salvatore, congrats!
We celebrate with you!
Cara Rose: BRAVO! BRAVO! mille grazie and grazie di cuore! You were magnificent!!! I cannot tell you how much Sal appreciated your birthday greeting at Shaw's today – he was truly moved to tears and overwhelmed. I was surprised at his response as he rarely cries – but he love it so much. The ladies at the next table asked for your number and e-mail, the general manager said you really brightened the day for everyone and so many of the wait-staff came over and thanked us for your presentation. I hope it made a lot of new contacts for you. He asked me to frame your translation for him and I know he will remember this birthday for a long, long time – he thanked me profusely all afternoon. Encore, mille grazie!!