This® in Person was in honor of a Conservatory Manager on his retirement after twenty-four years of service.
Guten Morgen Herr John __________!
Twenty-four years we celebrate.
In Devonshire your life began
With cotted cream on scones with jam.
You grew up raising poppies.
They say you’re a “Ring Head.”
Here is a list of sayings
These people say you’ve said:
“Don’t get your knickers in a knot.”
“It’s ‘erb’ not ‘herb.'”
“It’s ‘soil’ not ‘dirt.'”
“Oh, dear.” “I’m in a muddle.” “Apropos.”
“Put your winker on.”
“Between you, me and the gate post,” John,
What will this establishment do
Without Mr. Conservatory
and Mr. Garden of Eden?
They are celebrating you!
Fare thee well.
Fare thee well.
And roses smell, John.
Fare thee well.
Fare thee well.
And roses smell.
Fare thee well.