Rose: Sono cercando, oh dio, eh, Sho… [pronouncing name with a horrible accent]
Teacher: Right here.
Rose: Ove? Oh! Guarda che bello sei! Complimenti! La mamma mi ha detto che andrai a New York-a University. Tanti auguri! E oggi e il tuo compleanno, no?
Reed-a: Si.
Rose: Quanti anni hai?
Reed-a: Diciotto.
Rose: Diciotto! Bello! Bravo! Hai fatto bene. E ti piacce molto Burberry, eh, Calvin Klein, eh, Cole Hahn, giusto?
Reed-a: Si.
Rose: Perche non ti piacce Bruno Magli, Moschino, Versace… sono i disegnadori giusti, no? Ma ‘e carrissimi, lo so.
Teacher: Si veramente!
Okay, oggi e il cumpleanno di nostro amico Reed-a. Cantiamo insieme “Tanti auguri a te.” Ripete “Tanti auguri a te.”
Teacher: I didn’t do this.
[Rose sings, cracks herself up in the middle, finishes. Then asks everyone to sing together.]
Rose: Un baccio!
Teacher: Brava!
Brava, bella Rosa!!! What a hoot. I loved when you cracked up. Wish that there was another camera to catch response of the students 🙂
This was a HUGE hit. Reed loved it!!! He wasn’t embarrassed in the least but rather had a blast with it. His teacher asked for your info, too, so hopefully you’ll get some business out of it. Nicely done!!!!