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Rose started off the morning by caroling with a few colleagues for senior citizens in a hospital on Chicago’s north side. We visited folks on several floors, including the geriatric psychiatric ward and a hospice ward. The holidays can be a rough time of year for people in good health. They are especially difficult for people who have to stay or work in a hospital.

One patient only spoke Spanish, so Rose sang "Feliz Navidad." A staff member joined in. But, more amazing, the patient joined in despite being hooked up to tubes.

Another patient started to speak to Rose in Italian (without knowing her last name). How does that happen? Anyway, bellissimi, tanti auguri e un gran capo d’anno!

To start off an evening of fun and games – yes… games… read on, dear reader – Rose broadcast LIVE on Shout out to Nelson Velazquez of for the USTREAM hook-up.

An inventor and co-founder of the new game "Infunitum" (check it out at invited Rose and other entrepreneurs to share their products and services in a large condo building in the South Loop. It was a productive evening filled with meeting new people, renewing long-time relationships and just plain having fun. Check out the video below and sing along. Happy Holidays!