Mary saved the feature article on® written by Robert K. Elder in the Live! section of the Chicago Tribune. Her family is celebrating three birthdays within the family on this Thanksgiving Eve and I am honored to deliver it to them!
Happy birthday to Anne and Kate
Who’ve come to Chi-town from East and West;
And to Paul who is really great.
Simply put, Mary thinks you are the best.
Annie in Minnesota was born
Of Scandinavian extraction.
Scots and Irish claim Katherine.
Designers both married Andersons!
The continent you did traverse
From fair Seattle and from Portland, Maine
To the Midwest to gather here
To break bread in the Oyster Hall of Fame.
Here’s wishing one and all
Much love, abundant joie de vivre
With family beside you
On this fair Thanksgiving eve!
You did such a nice job with the aria. I haven’t linked through to the
video yet but thank you for sending it. Paul was very happy and he just
earlier this morning said to me that he was watching the children when
you sang and they were paying rapt attention. The adults, too.
You made the evening one we’ll never forget.