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Vivian.  It is your birthday that is why I’m here.
Vivian.  You are so awesome and you are so dear.
Cinnamon… Big Red Gum Cinnamon… may I have just one stick from you?
I hear you like to feed stray cats.  I am hungry too.

I love your hair and your earrings too.
But running with a bad foot… that’s not cool.

Angry Birds… what is the deal with this popular game?
I’m with you on not liking clowns, they make me go insane!
Riesling, now that it more like it, would you happen to have a glass?
Maybe your hot little brother I should go and ask?

It’s your day.  It is your special day.  I think it’s time to party now.
So we all sing happy birthday with our hearts *cadenza* to you!