I parked my car on Harlem at about 157th and took my helmet and spear out of the trunk. As I walked to the restaurant I could hear someone yell “Look! It’s a Viking.”
Regretfully, one of today’s grads was hit with flu. So I delivered his verse to the camera. Get well soon, Aaron and stay well everyone else!
Hail to the Graves Grads
from Mommy and Dad
who are so proud of
these great kids they’ve had.
Smarty pants Alanna,
scholar of Illinois
and NHS member,
plays bassoon: oh boy!
And, that is not all folks,
she plays flute: what a joy!
Son Aaron, the younger,
He’s a smarty pants too.
He doesn’t feel so hot
He is down with the flu.
Aaron plays bass and cello
and is on to high school
named for Carl Sandburg.
Aaron you are a jewel!
Swish and flick Potter magic
Aaron to get well soon!