I delivered a singing telegram at a retirement party for a Chicago Public Library librarian who had worked with the CPL for 45 years! This occasion was the only OperaGram that I just had to show up as myself and sing an aria from Carolyn’s favorite opera which moved her to tears! While I was waiting to go into the room where the party was held, I overheard Carolyn talk about a quote that, as she said, has been, falsely, attributed to Winston Churchill: “You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.” She, then, offered a variation: “You make a living by what your earn; you make a life by what your learn.” What can I say? Librarians are awesome!
Congratulations to Carolyn the Librarian for 45 Years of Service!
by ceo | May 23, 2013 | OperaGram.com® in Person | 0 comments