by ceo | Feb 24, 2010 | This Operatic Minute Podcast
This is Rose Guccione for “This Operatic Minute” sponsored by The title of an article in the New York Times published on April 13, 2009 read “Nasal Irrigation Can Ease Allergy Symptoms.” The article cited three studies that...
by ceo | Feb 15, 2010 | This Operatic Minute Podcast
This is Rose Guccione for “This Operatic Minute” sponsored by Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nothing can be more true when it comes to care of the nose. During Chicago...
by ceo | Feb 8, 2010 | This Operatic Minute Podcast
This is Rose Guccione for “This Operatic Minute” sponsored by A term that is frequently used in the marketing lexicon is something called the “elevator pitch.” As a woman in business, I believe it is also important to have a...