by ceo | May 26, 2009 | Rose Ramblings
Sherwood in Summer is a perfect way to see if taking voice lessons is right for you. Conveniently located in the South Loop near Roosevelt and Michigan, Sherwood is ideal for a 30-60 minute lesson and enjoying an evening in downtown Chicago. Early Registration for all...
by ceo | May 23, 2009 |® by Phone
Sent a birthday message by phone to Travis’ voice mail. What a gorgeous sounding professional speaking voice. Your company can market me any time :).
by ceo | May 23, 2009 | Rose Ramblings
Have a grad in your family you’d like to surprise? Nothing says “I love you” more than having a “Striking Viking,” “Charmin’ Carmen,” or “Madama Butterball” show up at their party to, literally, sing their...
by ceo | May 22, 2009 |® by Online Video
Happy Birthday to you Ricky from your cockatiel named Mikey and your partner cutie Louie who says you like Kentucky Derby. Do you get enough opera? Six subscriptions in the continent: not bad for “retired” teacher. If you like euro trash, you are bound to...
by ceo | May 18, 2009 |® in Person
Saturday night was one of those nights where the worlds among which I move merged. It was not only a perfect opportunity for me as a performer to use my singing and stage voice, but my improv skills as well. After the performance, I discovered my worlds had...