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Italian Class Surprise

Rose: Sono cercando, oh dio, eh, Sho… [pronouncing name with a horrible accent] Teacher: Right here. Rose: Ove? Oh! Guarda che bello sei! Complimenti! La mamma mi ha detto che andrai a New York-a University. Tanti auguri! E oggi e il tuo compleanno, no? Reed-a:...

Happy Birthday Lizabeth from April and Mike!

Happy Birthday, Lizabeth, from April and from Mike who are in Italy right now where they have taken a hike. But they love your spirit and charisma too. so, they send this “geisha” to send message to you. Oh, Lizabeth, don’t you fret, oh, no. In this day and age, sixty...

Carolers Visit Weiss

video credit: ©Katie Scarlett Brandt As posted on Weiss Memorial Hospital’s Facebook page at If you were in the hospital today, you might have heard the beautiful carolers who stopped by to wish us all...