Thank you SO much for sharing your beautiful voice. It truly is a priceless gift. Giving of your time to bring joy to my dad is a beautiful memory for our family. My mom always said “when someone gives you their time it is the most precious gift, it is something they can never get back”
My dad was thrilled that you sang the song with the opening part that is seldom sang. He spoke about a childhood memory of his I was unaware of until yesterday. When he was in 4th grade there was a movement to make “God Bless America” our national anthem. A singer came to his classroom and sang “God Bless America”. How marvelous that you could give him that special moment to feed his soul! Your spirit filled the room and with it your inner light shined. I know that will carry my dad through his days ahead in physical rehab.
May your days be as blessed as the blessing you bring to so many with you beautiful voice and gentle heart!
It is with great appreciation and gratitude I thank you!
Good Morning Rose!
Thank you SO much for sharing your beautiful voice. It truly is a priceless gift. Giving of your time to bring joy to my dad is a beautiful memory for our family. My mom always said “when someone gives you their time it is the most precious gift, it is something they can never get back”
My dad was thrilled that you sang the song with the opening part that is seldom sang. He spoke about a childhood memory of his I was unaware of until yesterday. When he was in 4th grade there was a movement to make “God Bless America” our national anthem. A singer came to his classroom and sang “God Bless America”. How marvelous that you could give him that special moment to feed his soul! Your spirit filled the room and with it your inner light shined. I know that will carry my dad through his days ahead in physical rehab.
May your days be as blessed as the blessing you bring to so many with you beautiful voice and gentle heart!
It is with great appreciation and gratitude I thank you!