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(bad castanet playing)
How many ways… can I say… I love you… Melissa?

The thrills that you deal, girl you kill,
when your voice is in my ear,
when I hear your voice so dear.

I have to ask for some more now.
Yes, I have to ask some more now.

Oh girl, pick up the phone.
Without you I am all alone.
My Monchi Spice, you’re my delight.
Happy Birthday, all is right.

I have to ask for some more now.
Yes, I have to ask some more now.

Melissa’s in my heart!
My Monchi’s in my heart!
Half-Pint’s in my heart!
Melissa’s in my heart!

one, two, three!
(bad castanet playing)

I’m so crazy… for you, Melissa!

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