Dulcie and Dick of Eugene, Oregon celebrated 50 years of marriage today. They are opera lovers, so their son Jim and daughter-in-law Debra ordered a personalized greeting by phone to help them celebrate. Happy Anniversary Dulcie and Jim!
50th Wedding Anniversary
by ceo | Dec 26, 2006 | OperaGram.com® by Phone | 1 comment
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OperaGram.com® is the perfect gift for people who don't need any more stuff and appreciate the arts. OperaGram.com® provided a fun and unique experience that my in-laws were able to share with family and guests at their 50th wedding anniversary. They loved it. And I felt good giving them something that they can't get anywhere else. It's one of the few gifts that I couldn't wait to give. I will definitely be using OperaGram.com® again.